Parent Center
We have assembled a listing of the most accessed resources and links for our Saint Jude parents and families.
Saint Jude Catholic School uses the SchoolSpeak school management systems for students and parents. This informational website provides an online homeroom for students and parents to retrieve homework assignments, class attendance records, grades, lunch menus, lunch account balance, and school calendars.
Saint Jude Catholic School partners with FACTS Management Company for the billing and collection of tuition. All families are required to register with FACTS for payment of tuition. FACTS is also used to apply for tuition assistance.
Our academic calendar for the current school year can be found at the link below.
The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) provides extensive support for the school through fundraising, serving as room parents, sponsoring family events, teacher appreciation, and many other activities. Meetings are open to all school families and are typically held four times during the school year. Meeting dates and times will be posted to SchoolSpeak and communicated to all families.
Saint Jude provides pre and after school care every full day that school is in session. Students may be dropped off and picked up in the school cafeteria. Pre-care is a relaxed time for coloring, reading, quiet games, and visiting with friends. Students in after-care are given a snack, taken outside or to the gym for active play, allowed time to work on homework, and have access to toys, games, puzzles and structured activities throughout the afternoon. No after-care is offered on half-days. Hours for the program are as follows:
Pre-care: 7:15 a.m. to 8:15 a.m.
After-care: 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
For pre-care and after-care rates, please reference the FAQ section.
The FIRE Foundation of Central Illinois is an organization committed to providing children with special needs the opportunity for an inclusive Catholic education at their home parish schools.