Admissions Overview

Saint Jude Catholic School admits students of any sex, race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded to students in the school. SJCS is a parish elementary school supported by tuition and the contributions made by members of the parish.

Registration Time Frame

Current Family Re-registration: Students who are enrolled for the current year may re-register for the next school year by returning the re-enrollment form sent home in mid-January. This form is due the Friday before Catholic Schools Week to secure enrollment. A $275 non-refundable family re-enrollment fee is due with application, $150 for families with preschoolers only.

New Family Registration: Registration for new families begins the last Sunday of January, the start of Catholic Schools Week. Applications will be reviewed and families will be notified of their status the first week in March. Once offered a space, families will be required to submit a non-refundable $275 registration fee ($150 for families with preschoolers only) to secure their space.

Priority for Admission

Applications received by February 15th will be considered based on the following criteria:

  1. Current student presently enrolled

  2. A sibling of an enrolled St. Jude Catholic School K-8 student

  3. Students of families who are registered, supporting and active in St. Jude Parish. The family must be in good standing with regard to the participation, finances, and support of the parish.

  4. When the applicants are equal, the following will be taken into account:

    a) Longevity in the St. Jude Parish

    b) Grandchildren of longtime parishioners

    c) Results of any interviews deemed necessary by the principal.

  5. Students of families who are registered in and supporting other Catholic parishes

  6. Non-Catholic students

Applications received after February 15th will be enrolled or added to the waitlist in the order received.

Conditions for Admission

All new students are accepted on a three-month probationary basis. Students must meet St. Jude Catholic School academic standards and expectations.

  1. A state-issued birth certificate, copy of a baptismal certificate if Roman Catholic, proof of medical exam and record of immunizations must be submitted by all new students before school begins. Additional medical/dental/vision exam requirements may apply for certain grade levels.

  2. In order to be accepted into Kindergarten, a student must be 5 (five) years of age by September.

  3. Students applying for our 3-year-old preschool must be 3 (three) years of age by September 1. Students applying for Prekindergarten must be 4 (four) years of age by September 1. All preschoolers must be potty trained.