Frequently Asked Questions
We know that new families considering Saint Jude Catholic School have many questions as they decide on the best educational option for their children. To serve as a resource in this decision-making process, our staff has compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions along with our responses.
In order to be accepted into Kindergarten, a student must be five (5) years of age by September 1st.
The Kindergarten through Eighth grade day begins at 8:00 a.m. and is in session until 3:00 p.m.
Three-year-old preschool is in session Monday through Thursday from 8:15 a.m. until 11:15 a.m.
Four-year-old preschool is in session Monday through Friday from 8:15 a.m. until 11:15 a.m.
Full day preschool is in session Monday through Friday from 8:15 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Saint Jude Catholic School complies with the Diocesan directive for students with special needs to be admitted whenever possible. When a family of a child with special needs applies for enrollment, the parents and school administration will meet to define the student’s needs and to determine the school’s ability to meet those needs. Parent and guardians of enrolled students are required to inform the school of any previously diagnosed health problems or special learning needs for which special accommodations are needed. Special needs may include but are not limited to learning disabilities, attention deficit disorder, food allergies, asthma and diabetes.
Yes! Our Pre-Care and After-Care Program is offered before and after school for the convenience of working parents. Pre-Care hours are 7:15 a.m. until the start of the school day, which is 8:00 a.m. for K-8 students and 8:15 a.m. for Preschoolers. After-Care is available for any full-day student (Preschool-8th grade) from 3:00 – 5:30pm.
Pre-Care rates:
Students using pre-care will be charged a daily flat rate of $2.50 for 1 child, $5.00 for 2 or more children.
After-care rates:
Students picked up by 4:00 p.m. - daily flat rate of $5 for one child, $10 for two or more children
Students picked up by 5:00 p.m. - daily flat rate of $10 for one child, $20 for two or more children
Students picked up between 5:00 and 5:30 p.m. - daily flat rate of $12.50 for one child, $25 for two or more children
Late pick-up - $10 per child for pickup after 5:30 p.m.
Families with financial need are encouraged to apply for tuition assistance. Assistance will be awarded based on the Peoria Diocesan guidelines, using the FACTS aid assessment process. More details may be found on the Tuition page or by contacting the school office at 309-243-2493.
Uniforms are required for St. Jude students in grades Kindergarten through Eighth grade. A dress uniform (standard uniform with blouse/dress shirt and tie) is required on Fridays for weekly Mass as well as other designated Mass days. Only clothing that appears in our dress code is acceptable for student wear during school hours. In addition to uniform clothing, students are expected to maintain a neat and tidy appearance in regard to clothing, hair and personal hygiene.
Preschool students are not required to wear uniforms. Children should be dressed in comfortable clothes appropriate for play inside or outside. Children should wear shoes and socks for safety in the classroom and on the playground.
Clothing – especially coats, sweatshirts, mittens, etc. – should be labeled with your child’s full name.
Yes. Hot lunch, which includes milk, is available daily. Hot lunch is ordered monthly through SchoolSpeak, our school management system. Parents have the option of buying hot lunch or sending cold lunch with their child. Milk is available for purchase for those children bringing cold lunch.
Yes! We have an active volunteer program at St. Jude. Through cheerful volunteering, we bear witness to the essential element of Christian service for our children.
Families with at least one student in grade K and up will be expected to offer 15 hours of service throughout the school year. At least 2 of the 15 hours in support of our primary fundraiser, the Fire & Ice Gala.
Families with preschoolers only will be expected to offer at least 8 hours of service throughout the school year, with at least one hour in support of our primary fundraiser, the Fire & Ice Gala.
Volunteer opportunities are regularly publicized. Families may volunteer using sign-up sheets at back-to-school events, or via our school management system. Families with extenuating circumstances (unable to volunteer for serious cause) may apply for relief from some/all of their volunteer obligation. Volunteers who have taken on larger roles and who will undoubtedly exceed their required hours may apply to be excused from reporting hours.
We welcome volunteers both in the classroom and for school sponsored activities. All volunteers must complete Safe Environment training and submit information for a background check, as required by the Diocese of Peoria, before volunteering in the school. Volunteers must also complete an online safe driver training course on the Diocesan website prior to driving for any school sponsored events. More information may be found in our Student Handbook.
Yes! The safety of our students is our top priority. St. Jude has created a comprehensive emergency plan, covering a number of possible situations which may be drilled, in addition to fire and tornado drills. A copy of this plan may be viewed in the school office.
As part of St. Jude’s emergency and safety protocols teachers and staff will perform classroom drills. These drills are periodically reviewed for efficacy and compliance with school policy:
Fire Drills will be conducted periodically at different times during the day so that students and teachers will be adequately prepared if a need for evacuation occurs. Fire instructions are posted in each classroom. Students are to maintain silence and proceed quickly and in an orderly manner to insure the safety of the entire school community.
Lockdown/Emergency Drills are held periodically during the school year. This is done so that students learn how to respond quickly to any disaster in which students need to remain in school for safety reasons.
Tornado Drills are held periodically throughout the school year. If there is a tornado warning, students will be kept in school. No student will be dismissed during a storm warning except to parents or individuals designated by parents on student emergency forms.
In most cases of severe weather, when the Dunlap school district issues a school closing St. Jude will also close its school. Decisions are based on the safety and well being of our students, and parents will be informed regarding school closing and early dismissal through the local television stations, and the school website. The following stations will carry the message: WMBD, WHOI and WEEK.
In case of severe weather conditions while classes are in session, students are to remain in the building until regular dismissal time unless parent(s)/guardian(s) choose to retrieve their student prior to regular dismissal time.
In the event of a non-weather emergency, students will be taken to Prayerview Community Church, 1610 W. Wilhelm Rd., for safety and/or dismissal. Parents would then be contacted.